Foreign and American
Rare Medals, and Bunched Lots of Medals
and Politicals.
739 Sc 741 BROADWAY,
New York City.
On Friday, the 24th day of March. 1882,
At 2 o’clock, P. M.
Bids will be faithfully executed by all reputable Coin Dealers throughout the country,
anil by the Auctioneers.
t Al'AI.Oia Kit It Y
H. P. SMITH, 269 West 52d Street, N Y. City.
V 1 1791. Sierra Leone Cent. Crouching lion. Bronze proof
<*- $ 2 17H8 and ’92. Barbadoes Pennies. Revs., Pineapple and
Neptune. Good 2 pieces
6~/ 3 1793. Bermuda Penny. Rev., Ship sailing. A ery good
3 7 ■* 1833. Liberia Col. Soc. Cent. Obv., Negro hailing a ship.
I Tncirculated
Hi 5 1773. Moldavia. 3 kopecks. Oval shields beneath a crown.
Good. Size 22
/ 6 0 1812. Warsaw. 3 groszy, and Dantzig, 1 groschen of
Marshal Radetsky. Very good and fair 2 pieces
£ 7 1754 to 1840. Poland, Rus. and Prussia-Poland. All dif-
ferent. Poor to good 7 pieces
,3 J 8 1803. Russia. Large 5 kopecks. Arms in five circles.
Very good. Size 27
/ {) L 9 1731 to 1852. Russia, Dengin. 1,2 and 5 kopecks. Good
lot 7 pieces
-G / 10 1828. Greece. 10 Lepta of Governor Capodistrial ; also,
10 Bani of Romania. Very good 2 pieces
/ Z, 11 1840. Greece. < )tho T. 1, 2, 5 and 10 Lepta. Good set
4 pieces
/ -L 12 1263. Tunis, 2 Caroubs ; Egypt, 5, 10 and 40 Paras;
Turkey, 5 and 10 Paras. Very good and desirable 7 pees.
/)~13 Bengal. 1 Pie and £ Anna. Very good 2 pieces
/o 14 1810. Pulo- Penang. ^ Anna. Very good
^ d 15 Burmah and Siam. J, ^ Fung, and J Anna. Peacock,
elephant, and crown ; (former pewter). Good. 3 pieces
10 India. $ Annas; $ Pice; ?, and 1 Cent, etc. Good
lot 15 pieces
/ <S> 17 Java. I). E. Indies. Rooster, arms, etc. Very good. 5 pieces
6 18 1044 to 1800. China. All different sizes, etc. 14 pieces
Foreign Copper*.
4 19
// 20
/O 21
/H 22
^ 0 23
Z6 24
2*% 25
2*/ 20
/ 7 28
/)' 29
/.% 30
2-4 31
•2- 34
*2^ / 35
Danish W. Indies. Dominica, Haiti, Havana (latter a
token). Good 8 pieces
1871. Jamaica. Nickel Penny, and Kingston token. Very
good and fair 2 pieces
18/1. Brazil. Nickel 200 and 100 Reis, and bronze 10 and
20 Reis. Very good 4 pieces
\ enezuela, Cayenne, Demarary, Mexico, etc. Poor to good
9 pieces
1847. Republic of New Granada. | and 1 decimo de real.
Fine set and only issue of this State. Rarely seen 2 pees.
1871. Guatemala. Bronze Centavo. Very pretty coin;
the only base coin issued. Very fine
1862. Honduras. 4 Pesos. Rev., “ Moneda Provisional,”
etc , around arms. Very good. (This coin was current
for doubloon.) Size 20
1840. Buenos Ayres. 1 Real. Rev., “ Viva la Federacion.”
Very good
1861. New Brunswick. Half Cent. Very good and
1855. Prince Edward Island. Cent. First issue with
name spelled “Edward.” Very good
1857. Prince Edward Island. Cent. Rev. inscription same
as on obv., but incused l. Verv good
* v O
Canada. 56 varieties ; all different. One small date 1820,
with large head to left ; die badly broken on right, which
I have never seen before. Poor to fine 56 pieces
Canada. 24 varieties ; all different. Poor to fine 24 pieces
Canada. 1880. Socicte St. Jean-Baptiste de Quebec. W.
M. Fine. Size 24
1853. Belgium. 10 Centimes of Leopold I. Obv., His
head. Rev., Jugated heads of Duke and Duchess of
Brabant. Struck at their marriage. Fine. Also, 5 Cent
of San Marino. Very fair 2 pieces
Belgium. 2 Centimes; different dates 13 pieces
1718. Sweden. Dalers of (’has. XII. Jupiter and Saturn.
Good 2 pieces
1494. “Maximilian I. Imperatoris Munus, mcccclxxxxiiii.”
Obv., Bust to right, etc. Remarkably well preserved
for this early date. Size 18
1594. Holland. Five men pulling down a tree. Rev.,
“ Covordia Obsidione,” etc., in 8 lines ; date oio 10 xciv
below. Very fair. Size 19
Foreign Copper*.
2J 38
¥ 39
2 2 40
Z lTD 41
v 43
0-i 4 +
/ y 45
// 46
jy 47
2? D 50
/ 51
£ % 52
3/ z 33
-2. 54
/ 57
/ 68
yy 69
/ (10
1594. Holland. Obv., Arms. Rev., “Institut. Camera,”
etc.; 7 lines. Very good. Size 18
Holland Cents. Different dates 13 pieces
Female arousing man beneath a tree, “(), Thoma, reveille
toy.” Rev., Soldiers before a pawnbroker’s. Good. Size Hi
1771. Saxony. Pewter token of the great famine, 1771-72.
Rev., Prices of food. Good. Size 28
Collection of Coppers of various countries: China, Japan,
Greece, Russia, Venezuela, Haiti, Tuscany, Sweden,
Sehwarzenberg, Reuss, etc., etc., etc. Xo duplicates
225 pieces
Another lot, not averaging so large ; all different. 100 pees.
1733. Isle of Man. Penny of Duke James. Eagle with
infant. Very good
Dublin id. Rev., Harp on causeway. Also, Theatre token.
Old price riots. Obv.,* “ Oh, my head aitches.” Former
fair ; latter very good 2 pieces
1794. Hon. W. Pitt. id. token of Cinque Ports. Uncirc’d
1795. Newgate ; and 1794, South Shields. id. tokens;
bronze proofs 2 pieces
1795. Fred. Duke of York |d. tokens. Revs., Frigate to
right and ship to left. Uncirculated 2 pieces
1791. Warwickshire id. token. Bust of Shakespeare.
1793. Norwich, Rev., Bird; Wainfleet, Rev., Church;
Sir Dunstan, dwarf, Mayor of Garrat ; and Salters; id.
tokens. Beautiful, uncirculated lot 4 pieces
1838-1879. English J and id.; different dates 22 pieces
Collection of Spielmarkes; 40 varieties 44 pieces
Base silver and counterfeit Coins, among which are Zodiac
Rupees, etc.; foreign and American; some may be genuine
56 pieces
Lot of unassorted foreign Coppers. Poor to fine 250 pees.
Another lot, suitable for dealers. Poor to fine 2 5s pieces
Lot of Copperheads, or war tokens of 1863. No duplicates
143 pieces
Another lot; all different 121 pieces
Another lot; all different 100 pieces
Another lot; all different 78 pieces
Another lot; duplicates of foregoing lots 12o pieces
Foreign Medals.
J~Z 61
JV 62
3d 63
jy 64
63 65
3 y ee
So 67
3d 68
3 A3 69
/ ! o 70
1539. Sigismond I. Groat. Head to right. Rev., Arms
of Dantzig. Very good
1548. Sigismond I. Groschen for Lithuania. Rev., Cavalier
charging. Good
1614. Sigismond III. Groats ; one with Swedish arms on
eagle. Very good 2 pieces
1767. Stanislaus. 2 Groszy, and a Groszy of 1740. Very
good and fair 2 pieces
1829. Alexander I. 5 Zlot. His head on obv. Rev., Title
of Nicholas I. Good. Size 20
1831. Kingdom of Poland. Coined by Revolutionists. 10
Groszy. Very line
1835. Independent Krakow.' 5 and 10 Groszy. Obv.,
Arms of City. Uncirculated 2 pieces
1791. Medal of Asmi Achmet Effendi. Bust to left. Silver.
Very good. Size 18
Large Relief Medallion, representing the “ Oath of the
Grutli.” The three warriors with clasped and upheld
hands ; crescent and stars above ; arms of three cantons
below. A beautiful work, struck in high relief ; incused
on rev. Oval ; silver. Size 38x46
1706. John, Duke of Marlborough. Fine bust of Queen
Anne’s favorite. Rev., Mars, with shields and trophy ; 3
victims at his feet ; “ Gallisacie devictis Brabantia, Blan-
der et Antwerp,” etc. Fine. Silver. Size 23
/ Z 71 1869. John Hus. Obv,, His bust to left. Rev., Rock on
which he was burned. Slavonic inscription. Another,
same obv. Rev., Inscription in wreath. W. M. Fine.
Size 20 2 pieces
~72 1877. John Ziska, the martyr, who gave his skin to be used
for a drum-head. Obv., His bust, with patch over one
eye. Rev., Arms of a city. Slavonic inscription. Fine.
W. M. Size 17
l'nrruju Mtdals.
/O 73
XII. Jubilee medal,
bronze. Also an
Pius VII. Good and poor.
Sizes 16 and
2 pieces
// 74
medals from size 6 to
One incloses
two steel prints of Christ, which slide out. Silver, bronze
and plated. Fine 4 pieces
//To St. Michael’s Assoc, of N. Y. Obv., St. Mich, casting out
the devil. Very finely executed, llev., “ Blessed by
H. II. Pius IX.,” etc. Bronze. Fine. Size 26
/0 To Cathedrals of Milan, Ulm, Rheims, and New York. Cardi-
nals Borromeo and McCloskey. Copper (one gold plated)
and W. M. Sizes 15 to 23 4 pieces
y TT Catholic Medals. St. Alphonsus, Lourdes Virgin, etc. Va-
rious shapes. Silver, bronze and glass. Sizes 8 to 22
T pieces
J~ 7S Protestant Medals. Green and Warren Streets Churches.
Jersey City and L. Merion S. S. Heads of Wesley,
Brainerd, Washington, etc. W. M. Sizes 16 to 24. 13 pcs
// T9 Garibaldi. Heads to right and left. Rev., Rome and
Venice appealing to Italia ; and Rev., War of Italian In-
dependence, etc. W. M. and bronze. Fine. Sizes 15
and 24 2 pieces
/ 80 Count Cavour. Fine portrait. Ilev., 8 lines. Peacock
bronze. Fine. Size 15
1T95. Bataille de Castiglione; nude gladiators fighting.
Rev., To the army of Italy. Fine. Bronze. Size 2T
82 1581. Venice, Doge Nicolo Da Ponte and Joan Trivisano.
Rev., Transfer of the remains of St. Stephen to St.
George’s Church. Fine old medal. Bronze. 26
/ J_0 83 1860. Spanish war medal for North Africa. Circular
backed by a cross. Good. 24 x 29
/ & 84 1859. Isabella II. Large head. Rev., Inscription of 14
lines, relative to African war. W. M. Fine. Size 36
// 85 I860. Isabella II. Smaller head. Rev., Events of the
campaign, in 12 lines. W. M. Fine. 32
/ Z' 86 1862. Isabella II. Bust to left. Obv., Names of provinces
Rev., Struck on her visit to Andalusia and Murcia. W. M.
Bronzed. Very good. Size 32
/ <£- 8T 1820. Ferdinand VII. Fine head to left. Rev., Hispania
undraping tablets. Relates to the restoration of the Con-
stitution. Very good. Bronze. Size 32
Foreign Medals.
/ 88 1816. Ferdinand and Elizabeth. Jugated busts. Rev.,
Young Hercules between lions and pillar. Bronze. Very
good. Size 22
0 89 1814. Madrid. Crowned arms of city. Rev., Triumphant
entry of the Government, etc. Bronze; silver plated.
Very good. 27
/ Z 90 1776. Charles III. Large bust to right. Rev., Man kneel-
ing before a female; “Malaga,” etc. Bronze. Good.
Size 38
91 1856. Inauguration of Madrid R. R. ; also one of Carlos de
Quilfeldt. Rev., Arms on shield. Very good. Bronze.
Sizes 17 and 20 2 pieces
5~ 92 Yucatan. Female holding liberty cap; eagle, etc. Rev.,
Republica Mexicana, etc. Also one of American Mis-
sionary Society to Mexico. W. M. Fine. Size 25. 2 pcs.
Z 0 93 1836. British and Foreign Temperance Society. U.S.jlag
amid rose, thistle, leek and shamrock. Rev., A fountain
surrounded by 230 letters. The most beautiful of its class.
Pierced. Silver. Fine. Size 21. Also a similar one in
W. M. Size 24 2 pieces
94 Eaxd Bridgewater. Fine portrait to right. Bronze. Fine.
Size 26
95 1805. Funeral medal of Lord Nelson. One of Earl St.
Vincent, 1797. Rev., Two angels in a dangerous locality.
Fine. W. M. Sizes 33 and 34 2 pieces
5~96 1809. Col. Wardle. Another of Geo. IV., 1821, Corona-
tion. Fine. W. M. Sizes 25 and 30 2 pieces
/6 97 1862. Victoria, by JBovy. Her most beautiful portrait.
Rev., Exhibition building. W. M. Size 32
6 98 1851. Exposition, interior and exterior views; and Thames
Tunnel views. W. M. Fine. Size 24 3 pieces
y 99 1855. Gen. Pelissier. Rev., View of siege of Sebastopol.
Another of Gen. Duvivier, 1848. Rev., Statue. Peacock
bronze. Fine. Size 15 2 pieces
y 100 Napoleon I. Rev., Bertrand. Rev., Sarcophagus. Rev.,
Boulogne camp; and one from the erection of Cherbourg
statue. 2 Duodecagonal. Silver plated. 1 Bronze. Fine.
Size 15 4 pieces
6 101 Napoleon IV. Ilis baptism. Portrait as a youth. Also his
parents. Peacock bronze. Fine. Size 15 4 pieces
Ju>rt ////t Medals.
y 102
/O 103
£ 104
6 105
/ O 106
6~ 107
/ 0 108
4 109
6 HO
y 111
/ O 112
J" 113
// 1U
1793. “Louis XVII. Koi de France.” Fine portrait of
this unfortunate Prince. Rev., “Si tot qu’il bait un Roi,
doit on cesser de l’etre? 1793.’’ W. M. Fine. Size 20
1843. Ferdinand Philippe. Head to right. Rev., Chapel
St. Ferdinand. Erected in memory of the lost Prince
Royal. Very good. Bronze. Size 32
1843. Same, but smaller. Fine. And one, Birth of heir
of Chas. X. Fair. Bronze. Sizes 16 and 24 2 pieces
Henry IV. and Louis XVIII. Fine heads. Bronze. Size 20
Napoleon I., by Andrieu. Rev., Entry to Moscow. Rev.,
A River-God seated. Rev., Erection of Westphalia as a
kingdom. Rev., Emp. crowning female. Bronze. In-
jured by fire. Size 26 4 pieces
Louis XIV. and XV. Various reverses. Been overheated.
Poor. Bronze. Sizes 23 to 32 6 pieces
1770. Maria Theresa and Francis of Austria. Fine por-
traits. Rev., Commerce of Germany and Italy joined.
Fine. W. M. Sizes 32 and 21 2 pieces
1791. Leopold II. and Francis II. Austria. Heads to right.
Rev., Shields of arms. Bronze. Fine. Size 21 3 pieces
Francis I. and M. Theresa. Fine busts vis-a-vis. Rev.,
Busts of the infant Princes. A fine old W. M. medal.
Bronzed. Size 29
1848. Duke John of Austria. Bust with the “Golden
Fleece.” Rev., The Council Hall at Frankfort. W. M.
Fine. Size 26
1833. Council House of Breslau. A queer building. Very
good. Bronze. Size 28
1831. Heise of Hamburg, Schiller, and rare old medal of
Philip of Orange, 1605. Rev., Ship with contrary winds.
W. M. and bronze. Poor to good 3 pieces
174 7. Win. of Orange and Anna of England. Jugated
busts. Rev., 8 shields. “ Stadtholder, Admiral and Cap-
tain-Gen. of 7 Provinces.” One with bust to left. Rev.,
Lion rampant. Staff-General of United Netherlands.
Bronze. Fine (latter pierced). Size 26 2 pieces
1758. Frederick the Great. Bust. And one, Frederick on
horseback. Camp in field (Rossbach). Rev. of both, an
eagle flying, “ Defender of the Protestants.” Bronze.
Very good. Size 24 2 pieces
U. S. Coins , Tokens and Paper Money.
/ C 116 1757. Fred, the Great. Bust. Rev., M. Theresa humbled.
Another. Rev., Justice trampling a chained figure.
Bronze. Pierced. Good and fair. Sizes 16 and 20. 2 pcs.
‘f 117 1686. Ofen, besieged by the r Forks. Spirited scene. Bronze.
Very good. Size 19
// 118 1871. Capitulation of Paris. Another, View of the sea
fight at Eckernfords in 1849. Another, Fight in first Punic
war. Bronze. Fine and good. Size 13 and 20 3 pieces
o 119 1871. Kaiser Wilhelm. Peace medal. One of Bismark.
Fox and stork. And large crippled medal. Bronze and
W. M. Fine. Latter poor 5 pieces
JL-Lf- 120 Rev., Decatuk, between sprigs of palm and laurel. Obv.,
Spread eagle, surrounded by 15 stars. Copper. Good.
Size 11. I have never seen this token before
121 1837. Tokens. All different. Very good
6 122 1837. Tokens. All different Good
6 123 1837. Tokens. Unassorted. Very good’ lot
6~ 124 Another lot. Unassorted. Poor to good
J“125 Old Store Cards. No restrikes. Some rare.
2- 126
3 0 127
fi* / / y- 130
/<y_6 131
„ //x 132
2/jr 133
- 134
25 pieces
IS pieces
52 pieces
46 pieces
All different
40 pieces
Another lot. Poor to good. With duplicates 20 pieces
Rare cards. Doremus & Nixon, 39 Nassau Street; D.
Gowan’s & Co., New Orleans; and S. C. Erwin, Cincinnati.
Fair to fine 3 pieces
Cards of Coin Dealers. Idler, Warner, Mason, Sage, Zahm,
Scott, Sampson, Dickeson, Merriam, Key, Lovett and W.
Va. Society’s cards. Reverses of Washington, McClellan,
<&c. 4 are of a beautiful peacock bronze color. Some
rare mules. No duplicates 21 pieces
Collection of 1863 Store Cards and Tokens. All different.
Good to uncirculated 270 pieces
Another lot. All different. Good to uncir. 185 pieces
Another lot. All uncirculated and different 136 pieces
Small lot of varieties. No duplicates. Good to uncir. 88 pieces
A lot of unassorted War Tokens 208 pieces
Another lot, rather better than last 208 pieces
U. S. ( ■ bins , Tokens and Paper Money.
1 I
7 y 135
/ 130
/ 0J[ 137
6 138
Qj / 139
J/ 140
/ £ 142
S 6 143
/ 7 145
17 140
d0 147
/J 149
// 150
/«P 151
2 1 152
*2 o -153
£ J' 154
1783, Silver plated facsimile of first U. S. half dollar.
Obv., Nova Constkllatio. Rev., 500 u. s. in wreath;
Libertas Justitia surrounding. Well executed
1825. U. S. half dollar, in copper; shows traces of plating.
The best counterfeit ever struck. Very good
1778. Non Dependens Status. Rev., America. Struck
copy of this unique piece. Silver. Very fine
Half cents, 1803 to 1857. Fair to uncir. and red. 11 pieces
Half cents, 1857 and 1828, twelve stars. Red, uncirculated
and good 2 pieces
1759. 10 and 20 shilling notes of Pennsylvania, printed by
Ben. Franklin. One rev., Stork, elephant and squirrel.
Very fair. Mended 2 pieces
Old bank notes. Various States. No duplicates 25 pieces
Uncirculated cents. 1820, 1851, ’53, ’55 and ’50 5 pieces
Franklin cents. 1787. “ States United.” Uncirculated, but
weak impressions 2 pieces
Paper Money. United States, Sept. 26, 1778, *7, £8, $20,
$30, $40 and $60. Good to fine 6 pieces
United States. $J, Feb. 17, 1 770; $7, July 22, ’70; $55
Jan. 14, ’79. Fair and tine 3 pieces
North Carolina, Dec. 1771, 5 shillings; and New York,
Feb. loth, 1771, £5. Very fair. Mended 2 pieces
Pennsylvania. Oct. 1st, 1 775. 2, 15, 20 and 50 shillings.
Good 4 pieces
Pennsylvania. April loth, 1777. 3, 4 and 9 pence; 3, 0
and 20 shillings. Good 6 pieces
Pennsylvania. June 18, 1704. 20 shillings, and notes of other
dates, 2 to 40 shillings. All different. The former by
Franklin A Hall. Average fair 7 pieces
New Jersey. March 25th, 1770. 1, 1 .1, 3, 0, 12, 15,30 shil-
lings, and £0. Fine. 8 pieces
New Jersey. Duplicates of all but the t'0. Fine 7 pieces
South Carolina. Dec. 23d, 1770. $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $0 and
$8. Fine 7 pieces
South Carolina. April loth, 1778. 2s. 0d; 3s. 9d.; 5 and
lo shillings. All on uncut sheet. Fine. 4 notes
South Carolina, Feb. 8th, 1779. $70 and $9o. Good and
fine 2 pieces
American Medals , Etc.
- / 155 South Carolina. June 1st, 1775, £10; and Feb. 14th, 1777,
$20. Very fair 2 pieces
^/z. 15(3 Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 4 pence to 20 shillings. All
different. Poor to line 6 pieces
All are Bronze imless otherwise stated. Closing number refers
to size.
2, P>7 Washington and Lafayette. By Wright c b Bale. Small
heads in wreath. Rev., “ Par nobile fratrum.” Silver.
Fine. 17
V i) 158 Washington. By Wright. Head to left. Rev., 6 line in-
scription in oak wreath. Fine. 28
/ L 159 Washington. Same obverse. Rev., Blank. Fine. Thick,
white metal. 28
/j " 160 Lafayette. By Bale. Bust to right. Rev, blank. “ P”
(Prime)? Fine. 30
Ji) 161 Lafayette. Same in white metal. Also Fremont. Rev.,
Surveyors. White metal. Fine. 2 pieces. 30 and 27
/ i) 162 Washington. 8 Presidents’ portraits on obverse. Rev.,
Their names. Also Jackson funeral medal. White metal.
Fine. 2 pieces. 29 and 18
/ O 163 Henry Clay. Rev., Baltimore Monument. Another; Rev.,
“ Born in Virginia, 1777,” etc., in 13 lines. White metal.
Fine. 2 pieces. 22 and 23
// 164 Fillmore. By Odling. Fine portraits. Rev., “ The Union”
amid stars; and rev., “No North, no South,” etc., in 10
lines. Fine. White metal. 2 pieces. 24
/ 2- 165 Lincoln and Johnson, 1864. Portraits in ovals, eagle perched
above. White metal. Fine. 26
/ 2.166 “Abram” Lincoln, 1860. By .T. 1). Lovett. Rev., “Our
Next President”; and rev., radiated fasces. White metal.
Fine. 2 pieces. 20
5‘ 167 Temperance American Juvenile Society. By Bale. Two
revs.; also, 1847 Sons of Temperance Celebration. By
Lovett. White metal. Fine. 2 pieces. 21 and 24
American Medals, Ktc.
/ O 108 Atlantic Cable. And one muled with rev., “ Boy and Dog”;
also Pridgens Ancient School-Boy. White metal. Fine.
3 pieces. 20 and 26
/J_J 160 Washington. Protile bust, same as Stuart’s Painting. Iron.
First nickel and then tin plated. Very fine. 6.1 x 5 in.
/li'170 Washington. Head and bust. Like Eecleston’s Medal.
Civilians costume. Iron, bronzed. Very fine, 7] x 5 i in.
4* 0 171 Benj. Franklin. Natus Boston, 1706. \ cry fine. 29
Horatio Gates. Puri Strenuo. iloste ad Saratogam,
Oct. 17, 1776. Edge rev. not perfect. Small spots.
Proof. 86
^ 178 Oliver Hazard Perry. Presented by Government of Penn-
sylvania. Ilev., We have met the enemy, etc. Battle
Scene on Lake Erie. Rev., Die broken. Proof. 38
174 Oliver Hazard Perry. Presented by same for Pennsylvania
Volunteers. Proof. 88
1 3j> 175 M ajor-General Andrew Jackson. Resolution of Con-
gress for Battle of New Orleans in 1815. Rev., Angel
and Goddess of Peace, marking upon tablet “Orleans.”
Proof. 42
Jo 176 Major-General William H. Harrison. Rev., Battle Scene of
the Thames; a few spots. Proof. 42
(jO 1 7 7 Winfiei.d Scott. The Commonwealth of I irginia presents
this Medal to, etc. War with Mexico, 1847. Rev., Plains
of Mexico. Pillar on which are names of battles, etc. By
Wright. Proof, and the best one I ever saw. 58
-£.o^ 178 1853. Exhibition of the industry, etc., New York. By
Wright. Obw, Figure of Angel. Peace and Plenty. Silver
Proof. 36
•C 179 1854. Resolution of Congress. Presented by President of
United States to Duncan N. Ingraham, for conduct, etc.
Wreath and eagle. ( )bv., Sloop and brig of war, “Smyrna.”
Th is medal is the largest size that van be struck by a die.
Proof. 64
//if" 180 1854. Commodore M. C. Perry. Head and bust. Rev.
in wreath, Presented by Merchants of Boston, for
services in the Treaty with Japan, Ac. Proof. 42
2. df' I SI James Buchanan, President. Head and bust. Rev. within
wreath of oak leaves. First embassy from Japan to the
U. S., I860. Proof. 48
American, Medals ,
•2/ 3 3 1 84
J ^3~ 185
2- <£? 187
*2 £2 188
/ ZtTl> 189
3 /_£ 190
/J~ 192
A*" 193
/<^-z> 194
Abraham Lincoln. Profile after the Union Square statue.
Portrait by the eminent designer, Gaillioust. This is the
only one ever offered for sale before. Yellow bronze cast-
ing. Fine. 64x40
Abraham Lincoln. Porcelain placque made in France.
Bust and Head of Lincoln without beard. Perfection.
Desirable. 6fx7-£ in.
1862. Abraham Lincoln, President , rC*c. Rev., Indian
attempting to scalp another ; quiver, bow, pipe, head of
Indian. Within circle, Indian plowing, children, house, &c.
Proof. 48
Abraham Lincoln. Profile bust. Iron, nickel plated.
Very fine. 7x4^ in.
Abraham Lincoln. Head and bast upon a plaque. Iron.
Head gold plated, plaque silver plated. Desirable. Ex-
tremely fine. 4fx5f- in.
Abraham Lincoln. Gold or plated locket for two pictures,
with head and bust of Lincoln cut from cameo. Head
black on whitish ground. Sharp cut. Extremely fine.
Abraham Lincoln. Gentleman’s scarf pin. Gold or plated
cameo. Head and bust. Head white on red ground.
Sharp cut. Extremely fine
1859. Harsen Medal. By Muller. His head and bust. Rev.,
Ten doctors around a bed, on which is a patient; below,
“College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York.” This
is a 2d prize medal, and given as such in 1866. Extremely
fine condition and desirable. In a reversable case. 60
Dr. Baron Decan us. Head and bust. Rev., Urbi et orbi
salus. Coat arms, sun, storks, &c. Facult. Medic. Paris,
1754. Very fine. 18
Lafayette, Gal- en Chef. Head left. About the same head
as the Voltaire medal. Rev., Defenseur, etc. Proof. 14
Head and bust of Garfield (gilt) in a circle upon a square
plaque or ground of plastic brown wood; also one of
Arthur. Very fine. 2 pieces. 4|x4| in.
Same in all respects of Hancock and English 2 pieces
Ancient penance belt from a Tyrolese convent, used about
the 15th century by monks or nuns, next their skin (the
pointed side), as penance; has been used considerable, as
is shown by the points. I know of no other in the coun-
try. Perfect and desirable
I \il liable Greek Si! n r Coins.
•I/O 195
6 l_0 196
/ 3 >"197
6^ 1 98
■' > 'O 200
3 ?£ 201
Z 31) 2 02
J 0/0 203
/ 3 $0 204
L/2J 206
Abdera, in Thrace. Didrachm. Obv., A griftin reclining.
Rev., Head of Apollo. Good. Size 14; weight 153 grs.
/Egina, in Attica. Didrachm. Obv., Fine perfect tortoise.
Rev., Punch mark of live indentations. 1 >ry good,
size 13; weight 190 grs.
Arad us, in Phceneeia. Drachm. Obv., A bee. ltev., A
stag, palm tree in background. Good. Size 10; weight
56 grs.
Argos, in Argolis. Ilemidrachm. Obv., Forepart of a
wolf. Rev., An eagle beneath large A in square, sur-
rounding is li.l'OS 02-. Fine. Size 10; weight 35 grs.
Orotona, in Bruttium. Didrachm. Obv., A tripod, a stork
to right, QPOT to left. Rev., Incused design. Fine.
Size 13; weight 120 grs.
Cyprus. Didrachm. Obv., A flying dove. Rev., Hercules
standing. Rev. poor. Obv very good. End clipped at
mint to adjust its weight. Size 13; weight 143 grs.
Dyrrachium, in Illyria. Didrachm. Obv., Cow and calf.
Rev., The Gardens of Alcinous I., the host of Ulysses;
J Tl\ and club of Hercules surrounding. Very fine.
Size 14; weight 171 grs.
Himera, in Sicilia. Drachm. Obv., A rooster to right. Rev.,
Another in an incused square. Very good. Size, 13;
weight 90 grs.
Orestae, in Macedonia. Didrachm. Obv., A satyr kneeling
holds a nymph; the exposure of a certain part of the
former’s person indicates the depraved tastes of the
ancient Greeks. Rev., Rude punchmark. I Iry fine and
perfect. Size 15; weight 159 grs.
Rhodes. Broad didrachm. Head of Apollo. -faced.
Rev., Balaustium flower (?) and rosebud, eagle to left,
PO below, above (-) I2l. A tine and desirable
coin. Size 16; weight 200 grs.
Selge, in Pisidia. Didrachm. K between two wrestlers.
Rev., A man with sling, club and triquetra to right.
^ h II Very good. Size 15; weight 1 45 grs.
Selinus, in Sicily. Didrachm. Obv., A large parsley leaf;
rubbed. Rev., A punchmark of 16 sections. Very good.
Size 15; weight 13 1 grs.
Valuable Greek Silver Coins.
/30b~ 207
70 209
So 210
/ 7 (TV 212
Sybaris, in Lucania. Didrachm. Broad, very early form
Obv., A bull to left. Rev., Same incused (see Humphrey,
page 82). Fine. Size 17; weight 100 grs.
Syracuse, in Sicily. Tetradrachm. Obv., Head of Ceres,
dolphins in field. Rev., A quadriga to left, Victory above.
Good. Size 16; weight 239 grs.
Syracuse. Obolus. Obv., Head of Medusa to right. Rev.,
An octopus or “devil fish.’’ Very good. Size S; weight
1 0 grs.
Tarentum, in Calabria. Obolus. Obv., A shell. Rev.,
Dolphin and a shell. Fine. Size 7; weight 10 grs.
Thasos, in Thracia. Didracbm. A kneeling satyr holds a
nymph, same remarks applying as in lot 203. Rev., Rude
punchmark. Very good, and thick ; early type. Pierced
in field. Size 12; weight 154 grs.
Thurium, in Lucania. Tetradrachm. Head of Pallas to
left, the monster Scylla on the helmet. Rev., Enraged
bull to right, a dolphin below. A beautiful specimen of
this rarity. Fine. Size 18; weight .241 grs. Cost the
owner $19
-£,AV213 Alex. Great. Tetradrachm. Obv., Head Hercules. Rev.,
Alexander seated. Edge clipped. Very fair. 245 grs.
The following are from the famous collection of Prince Torlonia
of Rome:
/ 0 2-$~ 214 Syracuse. Tetradrachm. Obv., Head of Arethusa crowned
with sedges and surrounded by dolphins. Rev., A quad-
riga to left. The triquetra, the symbol of Trinacria, in
field above. 2TPAKG2T.ON in ex. This magnificent coin,
of the finest period of Greek art (400 B.C.), is in very
high relief, well and sharply struck, and fine in condition.
Is a gem in every respect. Size 15
£ 6fO 215 Egypt. Tetradrachm of Ptolemy I., Soter. Struck in 293
B.C., as indicated by the date AA thereon. Obv., A fine
portrait to right. Rev., An eagle on a thunderbolt, name,
title and date surrounding. Very fine and sharp. Size, 1G
I ’u l uable Greek Silrer (Joins.
ZZy 210
/ /zy~2i
3 218
% 2 1 9
Egypt. Tetradrachmof Nero, struck in 07 A. I). Obv., llea<l
of Nero to left, in fair condition. Rev., Veiled bust ot
IIERA to right. Legend, HI* 1 IP I EPA (Hera of Argos).
This is an historical reverse, showing Nero’s attempt to
conciliate the Egyptians, by placing their goddess Hera,
the sister of Jupiter, on the coins. Rev., Fine. Size 10
Thrace. Tetradrachm of Lysimachus, 324-282 B.C. Obv.,
An exceedingly beautiful portrait, so exquisitely repre-
sented that the pupil of the eye and inner portion of the
ear are clearly defined, the horn of Ammon encircling the
ear. Rev., Minerva, seated with spear and buckler, holds
a Victory. A flambeau in field. AfZIM \\<)I on left.
Fine and perfectly struck. Size 18
Syria. Tetradrachm of Philip. Epiphanes Philadelphia^ ,
95 B.C. Obv., His portrait to right. Rev., Jupiter hold-
ing a Victory and hasta. (frlAZHIIOP PLUG* l\<)E2z
<PIA IAEA <&() f. Very good. Size 10
Gallo-graicia. Tetradrachm of Amyntas I., 36 B.C.,the last
King of this country. Obv., Fine helmeted head to right.
A monogram in field. Rev., Victory walking to left with
a decorated hasta. AM ENTOP below. Very fine, sharp
and broad. Size 19
3 A~L> 220 Egypt. Tetradrachm of Ptolemy I., Soter. Struck in 300
1>.C. ( -KE ). Very similar to lot 215, but different mint.
Good. Size 10
37 s 221 Athens. JBroad tetradrachm. Obv., Head of Minerva. A
griffon on helmet. Rev., Standing on an oil jar, a female
supporting the three graces. The names of Socrates and
Dionysius to left. Very good. Size 18
Z, 222 Messana. Tetradrachm. Obv., A large hare running to
right, WE22ENK bV, the S’s reversed. Rev., A biga to
right. Weakly struck. Obv., Very "good. Thick, early
type. Size 10
/J ~~A 223 Syria. Tetradrachmof Demetrius 111. A remarkably well
executed counterfeit struck in silver by Becker. Original
valued over 8100. Fine. Size 18
Ancient Hadrian and Homan Bronze Coins.
COINS, BRONZES (See Marl: xii., 42).
/ (TV 224
6 O 22 5
$ C 226
% O 227
Q 0 228
jfjl 230
43 A.D. Herod Agrippa, Lepton or Mite. Obv., An um-
brella, “King Agrippa.” Rev , Three ears of wheat.
Very fair. Size 10. See Acts xxvi., 28. He says to St.
Paul, “ Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”
58 A. 13. Mite of the Procurator Claudius Felix, who im-
prisoned Paul, expecting a bribe (Acts xxiv, 26). Obv.,
A palm branch, “ Kaicaroc.” Rev., in laurel wreath,
“Nerono.” Good. Size 10
54 A.D. Mite of Claudius Felix, under Nero and Britan-
nicus. Obv., Crossed shields and javelins. Rev., A date
palm. Very fair. Size 1 1
68 A.D. Mite of Prince Simon, son of Gamaliel the Nasi of
the Sanhedrim. The smallest coin struck during the re-
volt of the Jews. Obv., A vine leaf, “ deliverance of
Zion.” Rev., The golden vase of the Temple, “ year two.”
Good. Size 10.
69 A.D. Another mite of Simon. Same, but “year three.”
Very fair. Size 10
135 B. C. Shekel of Simon Maccabauis. Counterfeit.
Plated. Size 13
1841. Medal of Solomon Heine. Obv., His portrait to left.
Rev., View of the Jewish Hospital at Hamburg. Very
good. Size, 14
7 3 231
<7 Z 232
Z/ 2, 233
L/- 1 234
Warrior beside Sacred Yak. Rev., King in field. Hercules
club to right. And another. Obv., Bust to right. Rev.,
King on horse. Good. Sizes 13 and 17 2 pieces
Sacred Yak below a square. Rev., A tiger. And another.
Head to right. Rev., Cavalier with sword. Good. Sizes
13 and 16 2 pieces
King riding an elephant. Rev., Warrior to left. And
another with King on horseback. Good and very fair.
Sizes 12 and 15 2 pieces
Large bust to right. Rev., Cavalier before a trident. And
another. Obv., Sacred Yak and attendant. Rev., King
before an altar. Good and fair. Size 13 and 16 2 pcs.
United States Cents.
<-tO 235
V O 230
/S' 237
/O 238
/ 3 239
2 O 241
2 0 242
/9 243
•£ 6 244
2 2 245
/LO 240
Z L 250
// 251
SL / 252
6 253
J 7f 254
/ Crd 255
£ ?£' 250
Cavaliers to right, large and small. Rev., Bust with sceptre
and priest before inverted trident. Good. Size 13 2 pcs.
Sacred Yak. Rev., King to left. And another. Obv., A
large bird displayed. Very fair. Sizes 12 and 10 2 pcs.
08 A.D. Nero, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius. 2d br.
Very fair 4 pieces
117 A.D. Trajan. 1st br. One rev., via traiana. Poor
2 pieces
138 A. I). Hadrian. 1st br. Various heads and reverses.
Fair 4 pieces
101 A.D. Antoninus Pius. 1st br. Consecratio, Libertas,
♦fee., Reverses. Good 4 pieces
1st br. Reverses all different. Very fair 5 pieces
1st br. Various reverses. Very fair. 4 pieces
141 A.D. Faustina, Sr. 1st br. Different. Fair 0 pieces
180 A.D. Marcus Aurelius. 1st br. Sains at altar; Min-
erva holding owl, and Jupiter seated. Good. 4 pieces
1st br. Commemorating various victories, <fcc.
Very fair 5 pieces
lstbr. All different reverses. Fair to good 8 pcs.
1st br. All different. Fair 0 pieces
175 A.D. Faustina, Jr. lstbr. Salus, Juno. Consecratio,
<fcc. Good 4 pieces
1st br. Various reverses. Fair 7 pieces
192 A.D. Commodus. 1st br. Different reverses. And
one of Lucilla. Very fair 4 pieces
1st br. Different. And two Greek. 3d br. Poor
5 pieces
Mixed lot of 1st br. Various rulers. Fair 15 pieces
Victorious, Diocletian, ifcc. 3d br. And 2 counterfeits.
Poor to fine. One pierced 25 pieces
1793. Wreath. Monoy. No. 7. Oxydi/.ed. Hair shows but
slight traces of wear. Fine
1793. Wreath. Rather poor
1793. Chain. Monoy. No. 3. Obv. much oxydi/.ed. Rev.
not bad; if cleaned would make a good cent
United States Gents.
/z/ 257
2 5 S
/ £2 260
/S- 261
J <H 262
// 263
J 6 264
3 U 266
/ qjr 267
W U 268
6>'A+ 269
3 i>~ 270
'? 271
Jd 272
6’ 273
33~ 274
6 275
/ / 7 276
J / £ 278
2. 4^ 279
3 U) 280
/O 281
3/ 282
! 0 283
L/y 284
3 285
£ 286
/ 4 K6“ 287
/ 289
/ 0J_ 290
yo 292
/J 293
1794. Ob vs. barely fair. Rev. poor 4 pieces
1794. Obvs. scratched. Very fair 2 pieces
1794. Little corroded on head. Very good
1795. Thick planchet. About good
1795. Thin. Varieties. Barely fair 4 pieces
1796. Liberty cap, piece from edge of planchet. About tine
1796. Rather poor 3 pieces
1796. Fillet head. Fair and poor 6 pieces
1797. Rather poor 9 pieces
1797. Very fair indeed 2 pieces
1798. Hair shows but little traces of wear. Light olive.
1798. Trifle oxydized behind bust. Dark. Very good
1798. Varieties poor to fair 11 pieces
1800. At some time it was cleaned. Nearly good
1800. Varieties. Poor to fair 6 pieces
1801. About good
1801. Varieties. Poor to fair 6 pieces
1802. Very good
1802. Poor to fair 6 pieces
1803. Good color. Very fine indeed
1803. Varieties. Very fair 4 pieces
1804. Guaranteed,. Cracked die; edge battered. Fair
1804. Perfect die. Rather poor. Guaranteed
1805. Cleaned at some time, but has a good color; in spots
minute traces of corrosion. Very fine indeed
1805. Poor to nearly fair 6 pieces
1806. Very fair indeed
1806. Poor to fair 6 pieces
1807. Over 6. Very good indeed
1807. Corroded all over, but good
1807. Varieties. Poor to very fair 8 pieces
1808. Surface evenly oxydized. Well struck. Fine
1808. Poor to fair 6 pieces
1809. Very fair indeed
1809. Corroded. About fair
1809. Barely fair
1810. Misstrike. Good
1810. Varieties. One edge battered. Fair
3 pieces
United State* Cent*.
J 'Z 294
S To
3 tro
30 1
3 » o
Very fair indeed
Over 10. Dark. About tine*
One edge battered. Poor to fair 6 pieces
Extremely fine. Dark. Desirable for any cabinet
Very tine indeed. Dark
Very fair 3 pieces
Very good. I )ark
Fair impressions 4 pieces
Varieties. Fair to nearly good 3 pieces
Cracked die. Uncirculated. Somewhat bright
One or two spots. Bright. I ncirculated
15 stars. Fronting face stars flat. Light olive. Ex-
tremely fine
X 306
UJ- 307
•4 308
3 3' 309
3 ^”310
// 311
S3 314
0 3 1 6
/ r 317
/A r 3 1 o
1817. 15 stars. Rather poor 3 pieces
1818. Cracked die. Bright. Uncirculated
1810. Over 18, nicked. Very good
1820. Cracked die. Partially bright. Uncirculated
1820. Perfect die. Nicked. Olive. Very tine
1821. Very fair 2 pieces
1822. Nicked and dark. But little circulated
1823. Dark. About good
1823. Fair impressions 3 pieces
1824. Oxydized. Barely circulated
1825. Varnished. Very good indeed
1826. Very good indeed
1827. Oxydized on the Rev. Strongly struck. Cleaned,
but has good color. Barely circulated
1830. Olive. Fine
ZO 320
1 83 1 .
£7 321
1 833.
{of 322
7 0 323
Olive. Very good
Brick red. Very tine
Cracked die. Dark olive. Extremely fine
Small date and stars. Light olive. Fine
Beaded. Obv., Smeared. Rev., (ireenish olive.
3 '-2.325
/ 3j> 326
^7 0 327
/fij- 330
1 ’ ncirculated
1 838. Uncirculated. W. A. R. scratched on Rev.
1839. Over 36. \rery fair indeed fi>r variety
1839. Booby head. Rood
1839. Head of 40. Very fine indeed
1840. Small date. Very fine
1840. Large date. About the same
Un itecl States Cents.
/£ 331
Large dates. Very good
2 pieces
6 0 332
Date under point of bust. Good
/ 3 33
Dutch 6. Light olive. Uncirculated
6~0 334
Partially bright. Uncirculated
V2. 335
Lure/ e stars and date. Olive. Very tine
Smeared. Bright. Uncirculated
Very thin planchet. Blurred appearance.
3 0 338
Uncirculated. Bright. Beautiful cent
2.J" 339
r— l
Uncirculated. Partially bright
2 pieces
Uncirculated. Bright. Desirable
F 341
Extremely tine
3 pieces
Uncirculated. Bright. A beauty
/</ 343
Uncirculated. Bright. Rev. tritie smeared
/2. 344
Uncirculated. Partially bright
2 pieces
£5' 345
Partially bright. Uncirculated. Two small spots
Z6 346
1 855.
Straight 5’s. Bright. Uncirculated
/ 6 347
Large dates. Partially bright. Uncirculated
2 pieces
Rough planchet. Small dates. Uncirculated.
Xl 349
Large and small dates. Good and tine
2 pieces
2. 350
Large date. Fine
J~ 351
Nickel. Uncirculated. Bright
>3 352
Same. About the same
2 pieces
Brillian t proof
3 354
2 pieces
3 355
2 pieces
/ 356
3 vJ”35 7
Brilliant proof
<2,/ 359
4 pieces
^ 360
4 pieces
6 pieces
/ 362
Z 363
Bronze. Uncirculated. Mostly bright
4 pieces
Z 364
Z! 365
Brilliant proof
Z/ 366
Brilliant proof
/ if" 367
Brilliant proof
3 368
Uncirculated. Bright
6 pieces
Brilliant, proof
Z 370
Uncirculated. Bright
4 pieces
Half Cents and Two Cent Pieces.
2- 371
yy 372
Blemished proof
2. 373
Uncirculated, 'ruining to olive
3 pieces
Bright. Uncirculated
2 pieces
/ 375
Brilliant proof
2~ 37G
Partially bright. Uncirculated
3 pieces
6~ 377
Bright. Uncirculated
- 378
I'neirculated. Partially bright
3 pieces
2- J‘379
li r ight . Uncirculated
2. 380
4 pieces
Z- 381
4 pieces
/ 382
Thin planehet. Slight nick on edge.
About tine
S 383
Thick planehet. Nicked on edge. Planehet not per-
feet in portions of hair. Mustache turning up on upper
up of Liberty head, struck there by the die, dividing line
between l and 7 of date. Rev. has scratch mostly across.
Dark. Very tine
3 384
Poor to good
5 pieces
$ 0 385
Uncirculated. Bright. A little smeared
Same. Trifle worse as to smear.
3 387
Poor to nearly good
5 pieces
3 388
Fair and good
2 pieces
3^ 389
1 809.
Fair to about tine. (1) Pierced
9 pieces
yz 390
Very fine indeed
Jl 391
About fair
2 pieces
181 1.
Dented by chin of liberty. Good
2/3~ 393
13 stars. Partially bright. Uncirculated
12 stars. Dark. Good
U 395
Half cents worth, etc. Fine
1 ncireulat ed. Bright
32 397
1 856.
Elongated considerably. Very odd. About fine
1 'ncireulat cd. Bright
HO 399
2 pieces
JZ 400
3 pieces
o 401
Miscellaneous half cents. 1800 to 56. Also queer cent.
/ 6 402
Poor to extremely fine
21 pieces
Two cent pieces. Bright. Uncirculated
2 pieces
Colonial Coin and 1837 Tokens.
f 403
ZsN 404
Z 7 405
Z £> 406
JO 408
/f 410
&Z 411
<2. 4 1 2
Zd 413
1 kO 414
Z ’.1~D 4 1 5
Z £T416
Z3jJ 417
d ^ 418
J9 419
/ NJ 420
It 421
2s f 422
Z/d~ 423
JZ 424
•2 2. 426
-2 2 426
<3 J— 427
3 7 428
3 Ojf 429
11 430
V J 431
1865. Same, Partially bright. Uncirculated 3 pieces
1867. Brilliant proof
1868. Brilliant proof
1869. Brilliant proof
1870. Brilliant proof
1870. Uncirculated. Bright
1871. Brilliant proof
1871. Uncirculated. Bri ght
1872. Brilliant proof
1872. Brilliant proof
1872. Very good
1873. Brilliant proof
1652. Pine tree shilling; in places much worn. Obv.
better than rev. Very fair
1652. Pine tree shilling. Indented. Edge a little clipped.
Cracked die. Good
1788. Massachusetts cent. Planchet a little streaked. Ex-
tremely fine
1786. Vermontensium. 8 trees, worn in field. Everything
but plow plain and distinct
1788. Vermon Auc. Double struck ; queer head. Good
1785. Auctori Connec. Crosby. No. 6, F. Driveling
Negro head. Piece out of planchet on rev. Extremely fine
1785. Same. No. 4. Rev. uncertain. Defective planchet.
1787. Same. No. 33. Second II. About fine
1787. Same. No. 32. X. Planchet defective. Very fine
1787. Duplicate. Very fair indeed
1 787. Same. No. 33. Z. Blurred rev. Fine
1787. Auctopi Connec. No. 40. Second I. Cleaned.
Very good
1787. Nova Cfesarea Maris. No. 63, r. Good
1787. Same. 62, q. Die not broken on rev. Very fair
Kentucky cent. Lettered edge. Shows a little original
color. Uncirculated
1785. Nova Constellatio. Script. Very fair
1794. Talbot, Allum and Lee. New York cent. Good
Eoreign Si/ rtf < 'oin.
J J'432
$ *5 '4 3 3
/ fa 434
/ 0_y 435
7 430
7 437
3 O 438
1/ 439
7 440
/ 3 44 J
3 7 442
^ /V443
Lo 444
2 I fV 445
Z/J) 440
) 7^0 447
J »-2 450
•2. $2 45 I
6 IJ 452
3 $0 453
/ 455
1787. Georgius Triumphs. Oxydized. (rood
1783. Washington. I’nited States cent. ' Nearly good
1704. Payable at the Franklin Press, London. Barely
Mark Nevvbay, or St. Patrick farthing. Croshy. Plate III,
9. Edge clipped. Nearly good
Various Colonials. Poor to nearly good 40 pieces
Same. Includes poor chain cent. Same 39 pieces
1837. Tokens. A lot containing no duj/licates. Some
that, an very desirable. Good to uncirculated. 37 pieces
1837. No duplicates. Same. lair to extremely fine
34 pieces
1837. Tokens. Contains duplicates. None pierced.
Average condition 40 pieces
1837. Tokens. Duplicates. A trifle better 50 pieces
1837. Feuchtwanger cents. Good 3 pieces
1047. Crown of Christian Frederick, for Mansfield, Knight
on horseback lancing dragon. Rev., Arms. Good
1 154 to 89. Henry II. penny. London. Good
1058. Commonwealth of England. Shilling. Edge clipped.
Very fine
1002. Crown Charles II. Rose under the bust. Good
1096. Crown William III. Good
1758. Georgius II. shilling. Very fine indeed
1787. Georgius III. shilling. Very fine
1804. Bank of England dollar. Good
1811. Georgius III. Dei Gratia Rex. Bank token. 3
shill. Strongly struck. Brilliant proof.
1804. Hank of Ireland Token. Six shillings. Strongly
struck. Beautiful , brilliant proof
1733. Ixlt of Man Silver Penny. Sans changer. Eagle
about to peck out brains of baby in cradle, that upon
ducal cap. Rev., Coat of arms (three leg's). Struck by
Duke of Athol. Uncirculated. Polished surface
(Quarter Pape, of Burma/i. Peacock standing with tail
spread. Burmese inscription. About fine
1796. /•'. Emmanuel d i Bohan. Double soWt. Knights of
Malta. Bust of Rohan in long wig. (Extremely fine.
/ 3 $ 456
Z 4 458
6/2 459
6/y 400
3 2- 461
/6 462
6 463
2. 464
^ 465
/ /£ 466
/ /_f~ 467
9/ 468
/ / J~409
^ 0~D 470
Z 6 "471
3 J 474
6 ~J 475
3 $ 476
Z1/^ 477
7 478
6 479
H- 480
> Silver and Base Money Proof Sets.
1871. Ein Thaler Iolnin, Koenig von Sachsen. The tcork-
manship tin the horse and rider upon the rev. of this coin
is superb. Uncirculuted. Lustre
1871. Prussia Yerinsthaler. Uncirculated. Lustre
1875. Prussia. 1 mark. Proof surface. Uncirculated
1865, 72. Silber Grochen. 1, Uncirculated 3 pieces
Silber Grochen. 2|. Various. Fine to uncirculated 4 pieces
1840. Bremen. 36 Grote. Uncirculated
1848. Austria. Ferd. 20 kreuzer. Rev., Virgin and child.
Semi proof
Rupee of India. Native characters. Good
Same. Characters are heavier. More ancient. Good
Rupee. Upon one side India characters ; Rev., Arabic
letters. Very good.
1836. Mexican dollar. Proof surface. Uncirculated
1835. Republica Boliviana dollar. Head and bust of
Bolivar. Fine
1849. 5 francs. Republic. Extremely fine
1871. Amadeo L, King of Spain. 5 pesetas. Very fine.
1881. Haiti. 1 gourde (dollar). Woman’s head right
with cloth over it. Rev., Coat arms Evidently French
workmanship. Extremely fine. Lustre.
An. 2 7. Boyer, President, Haiti dollar. Good
Haiti, 12 and 25 cents (2). Good 3 pieces
1824. tyjff dollar. Rio de la Plata. Head of sun. Good
Japan. Jtizebue. Extremely fine. Lustre
Japan. Same. Same
Head of Pope and fool. Rev., Heads of wise man and fool.
Ten-cent pieces, Japan, Greece, Hong Kong, etc. Fine lot
9 pieces
Various five-cent pieces. Very fine 7 pieces
Honduras. Provisional. 2 reals. Good 3 pieces
Base money. Various. Poor to very fine 66 pieces
3 481
1862. Silver.
Brilliant proofs
7 pieces
6~£ * 482
Brilliant proofs
9 pieces
A 7 S' 483
Brilliant proofs
10 pieces
, . V) 484
Brilliant proofs
10 pieces
United Stutt$ Sitrer J folium.
6 ~l_J> 4 85 |K7:$. Silver, Brilliant proofs. Old style 10 pieces
H A) 486 1878. Brilliant proofs. Trade set 7 pieces
0 0 487 1874. Brilliant proofs 7 pieces
7^ 488 1877. Brilliant proofs. Contains the 20-cent
piece. The set is in a presentation case made for a proof
set of 1869 8 pieces
JyJ‘489 1880.
Brilliant proofs. Both dollars
8 pieces
/ 7^ 490 1864.
Base money set. Nickel and bronze cent
3 pieces
1 3_0 UM 1865.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
6 0 492 1867.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
/Jd~493 1868.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
i 0 494 1869.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
6^495 1870.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
7^ 496 1871.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
) [A +97 1872.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
Z fD 498 1873.
Brilliant proofs
4 pieces
3v>'499 1874.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
(=>° 500 1875.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
$~0 501 1876.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
02 1877.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
503 1878.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
504 1879.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
OO 505 1880.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
Z0 506 1881.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
•2A 507 1882.
Brilliant proofs
3 pieces
“£'<'2? 508 1795. Flowing hair. Well struck. Fine
/ W 509 1795. Same. Good
^ ”Zi_ 5 1 0 1797. Six stars, facing. Trifle scratched. Fair
J £A 5ii 1798. Large eagle. Nicked and scratched. Good
/A4.512 1 79s. Rev. scratched. Nearly good
/ iA. 513 1798. Weakly struck. Very good
? 'A 514 1798. Nicked. Very good indeed
/ 515 1799 over 98. Nicked. Obv. very good. Rev. nearly so.
/ -Zj> 5 16 1799. Rev. strongly struck. Very tine
//J* 517 1799. I tev., blurred appearance. Fine
//£518 1799. Nicked. Good
/ 2. 0 5 1 9 1800. Nicked and scratched. Nearly good
/c/J'520 1808. Head much worn. Fair
United States Silver Dollars.
S 3 0 521
Nicked. Verg fine indeed. Desirable in this con-
/ 0 S~ 522
Nicked. Good
/ 2^ 523
Same. Polished surface. Very line
/ Ojo 524
Same. Same. Very line indeed. Lustre
/ 0 5 25
Same. Very good
/ 7^ 526
Same. Fine
/ e>6 527
Same. Very line
/ rr528
Same. Nearly good
/ /£ 529
Same. Good
/ /j2 530
Same. Fine
3-LO 53 1
N. O. Strongly struck. One of the fifiest dollars of
this date and mintage that I ever saw. Desirable. Uncir-
culated. Lustre
/^jf 532
Fair impression
/ OJ- 533
Very fair. Beginning made to pierce it on rev.
7 2^7 534
Nicked. Good
/ 6^7 535
Same. Very good
/P-# 536
Pierced over 1 and 8; 54 much nicked. Very fair
6 2-T 537
Nicked. Fine
G 60 538
Same. Finer than the last
7 2^ 539
Same. Semi-polish. Very fine indeed
Same. Very fair
Same. Much better
•2-/5 "5 4 2
Same. About good
i ^ 543
Same. Very fine indeed
Same. About good
2.V 57~545
Same. Still better
J /) ~7 546
N. O. same. Very fine indeed
//£ 547
Small nicks. Extremely fine. Lustre
/ 6J 548
Nicked. Good
/V/7 549
Same. Very line
/ / ^ 550
Same. Very line indeed. Lustre
. J 55]
Extremely fine. Lustre
/«2, 5“ 552
Nearly same condition. Lustre
/ l 7 553
Trifling nicks. Semi-proof. Extremely fine
/ 554
Extremely fine. Lustre
/ 555
Trade. Very fine indeed. Lustre
/ £_7 556
San Francisco. Extremely line. Lustre
/ £_Z 557
Same. Nearly the same
//Z) 558
Liberty naked. Fairly done. Very fair
Silver II<df-J)ollars.
LL 63 559
74 501
63 562
6 2~ 503
■3 564
373 565
63 566
7 63_ 567
3 '3' 568
7 2? 5 7 0
6 2.571
I £-3 572
l 3_0 573
/ 33 577
6 3 579
6 2. 580
6 3 582
6 3 583
63 584
3 "3 585
O 586
<£3" 587
73" 5 88
3*3“ 589
^ 3 "5 90
1794. Worn fronting face ; also centre of rev. Date very
plain. Fair
1795. Nearly good impression
1795. Very fair «
1795. In places better than the last
1795. Date weak. Barely fair
1803. Large 3. Nearly good
1803. Both 3s. Fair and poor
1805. Nearly good
1800. Sharp 6. Cracked die. Extremely fine. Lustre
1806. Blunt 6. Good
1807. Head right, stars sharp. Very fine indeed. Lustre
1807. Duplicate. Fine
1807. Head left. Very fair
1808. Very fine indeed. Lustre
1809. Extremely fine. Lustre. A beauty
1811. Dot between 18 and 11. Stars Hat fronting face.
Very fine indeed. Lustre
1812 over 1 1. Very good
1814. Extremely fine. Lustre
1815. Obv. much worn. Barely fair
1817 over 13. Fair
1818. Extremely fine. Lustre
1819 over 18. Small 9. Very fine indeed. Lustre
1820 over 19. Fine
1822. Extremely fine. Lustre
1824. Extremely fine. Lustre
1825. Same
1826. Same
1828. Curled 2. Large date. Fine
1829 over 27. Very fine indeed
1830. Strongly struck. Uncirculated. Lustre
1832. Same
1833. Extremely fine. Lustre
1834. Large date. Rev., Small letters. Very fine , indeed.
1834. Small date. Rev., Small letters. Extremely fine.
Silver H< <lf -Dollars.
J~^-*593 1835. Fine impression
‘7*2 594 1836. Reeded edge. Obv. barely fair. Rev. poor
7 & 595 1836. Duplicate, same
3 LO 596 1836. Reeded edge. Good
3 597 1836. Reeded edge. Very good
3 Z-£_ 598 1836. Reeded edge. Very good, indeed
v5"\V599 1837. Stars all sharp. Uncirculated . Lustre
600 1838. Very line, indeed
3 <2 601 1839. Extremely fine. Lustre
O 602 1840. Large letters and eagle on rev. Minute nick on obv.
Very tine, indeed, for this variety. Desirable for any
6 W 603
Large, Small and Medium dates. 1 N.
t>3~ 604
N. O. Very fine, indeed
73“ 605
Polished surface. Extremely fine
66 -606
Well struck ; trifle nicked. Very good
6 3 607
N. O. About the same
/ /J) 608
N. O. Nearly fine
2 609
Nearly good
6 l 610
N. O. No reeding on edge ; misstruck.
Very fair
3"i 611
Stars weak. Uncirculated
60 612
N. O. Uncirculated. Mint Bloom
33 613
San Francisco. Large S. Slight scratch.
Z fo6l4
Without in God we trust. Never saw a
better one
offered at auction. Very fine
J"J “615
Duplicate. Nearly good
6S" 616
Without arrows ; polished surface. Fine
San Francisco. Uncirculated. Lustre
6 618
Uncirculated. Lustre
70 619
Uncirculated. Lustre
Washingtons, Politicals, Etc.
1 'he followin'! lots were sent me at such a late date that 1 could
not well sort them out , therefore have bunched them. / am well
aware that some ought to be catalogued separate, as they are scarce
and rare. C\, Popper; W., White metal; N., Nickel- L., Lead ;
li., Iironze:
30 620
ZO 021
/ 0 022
S/^X 023
/V 624
/% 025
f 020
5' 028
7 629
7 630
£ 031
// 032
y. 633
7 2. 034
6 635
Ancient bronze head of a statuette. W c*l 1 patinated ; small.
Old bronze seal of Bishop of Resbach, about 1000 A. I>.
Old seals. C., L., W. Very fair 5 pieces
Washingtons. Obv., His head. Revs., All different.
W., N. Sizes 20 to 28. Good 10 pieces
Various. All proofs but 3. Some beautiful peacock
bronze. Sizes 9 to 21. C., B. 11 pieces
Sage’s and Lovett’s Historical tokens. 5 peacock bronze
proofs ; 2 C. proofs V pieces
Various. Sage’s tokens, etc. .Mostly W. proofs. Sizes 10
to 20 11 pieces
Pierce, Fillmore, Bell, Seymour, etc. Some pierced. Mostly
proofs. 2 peacock bronze, W., C. Sizes 10 to 22
12 pieces
Hakrison, Clay, Scott. W. proofs but 1. Desirable.
Sizes 18 to 24 6 pieces
Harrison, Taylor, Scott, etc. C. 2 proofs. 2 pierced.
Sizes 15 to 20 6 pieces
Henry Clay. Various. 2 peacock bronze proofs. \V.,C.,B.
Mostly proofs. Sizes 10 to 24 11 pieces
George I>. McClellan. Various. Mostly W. proofs. 1
peacock bronze proof. 2 pierced. Sizes 10 to 22. 12 pieces
Aura ham Lincoln. Various. Some peacock bronze proofs.
VV., C. Mostly proofs. 3 pierced. Sizes 12 to 22
22 pieces
Jackson, Douglas, Greeley, etc. 0 W. proofs ; 0 C. Good.
Sizes 10 to 24 12 pieces
U. S. Grant. Various. All proofs but one. 1 pierced ;
2 peacock bronze. Sizes 12 to 25. Desirable lot 20 pieces
Hayes, Tilden, Greeley. Various. W., etc. Some
pierced. Sizes 10 to 20. 1 pen, 1 broom. Fine. 10 pieces
Washingtons , Politicals, Etc.
^ 636 James A. Garfield. Various. 1 in hard rubber. 1 pea-
cock bronze, 3 pins, etc. ; 3 pierced. Mostly proofs. 10 pcs.
& 637 James A. Garfield. Full length figure; gilt. By pressing
the thumb upon the heel and finger upon head, hand and
arm comes out in front and devil’s tail in rear. Extremely
5 638 Major-General Hancock. Various. 7 pins, 3 medals ; 1
pierced. Sizes 12 to 20. Fine lot 10 pieces
<3 639 Major-General Hancock. Same in all respects as lot 637
J 640 Continental Currency Seal. Various varieties. C., B. Size
24. Very fine 3 pieces
3 641 Colfax, etc. Various. W., B., B. Sizes 17 to 24. Mostly
proofs 5 pieces
3 642 Temperance and T. A. B. Medals. 1, Father Burke ; 4
pierced. Some proofs. Sizes 15 to 28. W., C. 11 pieces
643 Centennials. Goshorn in wood, (two) Minute Man, Lib-
erty Bells, etc. 1 peacock bronze proof ; pins; 1 French
Republic to American brethren, etc. ; some shells. 7
pierced. W., C., B. and gilt. Sizes 12 to 40. Mostly
proofs 40 pieces
3 644 Centennials. Anniversary of J. C., etc. W. proofs. Two
varieties. Sizes 1 7 63 pieces
/ /) 645 Masonic and Society Medals. Washingtons ; 1 peacock
bronze proof ; 1, I cannot tell a lie. Some of foreign ; 2
pierced. B., C., W. Most all proofs. Sizes 12 to 32
18 pieces
/ 646 Musical Medals. W., B. 1 pierced. Proofs. One shape
of a Russian cross. Sizes 18 to 32 4 pieces
V O 647 Shooting Festivals, Creedmoor, etc. W., B. Mostly proofs.
Sizes 16 to 26 6 pieces
/O 648 Sporting Medals, etc. W., C., B., B. Mostly proofs. Sizes
18 to 26 10 pieces
vV 649 Exhibition Medals. Various. No duplicates. Mostly W.
proofs. Sizes 18 to 28 16 pieces
JkV'650 Head and bust of Stonewall Jackson, by Caque. Rev.,
Names of battles. W. or tin proof. Size 32
/d"651 Bombardment of Sumter and battle between Merrimack
and Monitor. C. proofs 2 pieces
Washington#, Political s, Etc.
-2. <5 052
3/> 053
3 054
/ 2. 055
2. / 050
3 O 058
0 <LP 659
‘ J ft&O
0 P
u 601
V 662
6 (5, 603
2*3 004
21st Reg. N. .T. S. Vol., presented by citizens of Bergen, etc.
Obv., State arms within circle of stars. B. Extremely
fine. Size 22
John Brown. “ Marching Along.” Head and bust. Rev.,
Man hanging “Give me Liberty or give me Death,” 1859.
W. proof. Size 20
Anti-Rebellion Medals. Jeff Davis Hanging; Long may it
Wave; Fireman’s medal, etc. 7 C. and gilt, 3 \\\ Mostly
proofs. Sizes 12 to 26 10 pieces
Wing Chess-men. Red; from Siam. 1A in. long. Fine
S pieces
Antique Playing Cards. 1 4th Century. Ivory carved, like
lace; from the Dresden Museum. Very odd. Various
shapes. Very fine 11 pieces
First Seal of the U. S. Patent Office, 1795 ; soon after it was
established. Paper
British Tax Stamp of 1795 on papers; 1 shilling and six-
pence. This is similar to that which caused the Revolu-
tion in America, as the people wouldn’t pay it
Collection of Postage Stamps from about 70 countries; many
old issues. No duplicates. Some uncanceled. 400 pieces
Collection of l\ S. Rev. Stamps. Beautiful specimens ; all
different 83 pieces
Collection of U. S. Match, Medicine and Playing-Card
Stamps ; all different 77 pieces
Collection of IT. S. old Beer, Tobacco and Cigar Stamps,
“one-third bbl.,” “500 imported,” etc. Dealers’ Licenses
for '74. ’">, ’6. Some valuable stamps. No duplicates
60 pieces
Foreign Rev. Stamps. Many embossed. Some duplicates
325 pieces
Duplicate Stamps. Counterfeits of rarities, reprints, etc.
lnO pieces
Coupons representing £815 of Bradford Coal and Iron Co.
and Watertown and Mad. R.R. Signed but unpaid
31 pieces
Uji 666 1869. Dickenson’s American Numismatic Manual. Quarto,
cloth. Fine
Books, Priced Catalogues, <£•<?.
t"1 **-' I 667
/ 668
&0 669
/ 0 671
/ 673
/ 0 676
Y 677
7 679
■L 682
-1^ 683
1639. Genealogia et series Serenissimorum and Potentissi-
morum, Austrire, Ducura, Archiducum Regum et Im-
peratorum, eorumque illustriss, coniuguni, et Liberorum
Y triusque sexus. From Julus Cassar tc Ferdinand II.,
1627. Author, Octavio de Strada A. Rosberg, antiquario,
Francofurti. Contains 395 pages of representatives of
coins of Roman Emperors who were connected with
Germany. Quarto, leather. Covers defective
Collection of Catalogues. A number illustrated. No du-
plicates. Many desirable; all clean 125 pieces
Catalogue of Saafelder collection, 1878. With 2 plates of
line ancient coins.
Jan. 19 to 23, 1863. Catalogue of Haines collection, with
printed prices 2382 lots
1862. Bangs, Merwin, Cogan. March 25,26; May 25, 26
2 pieces
1862. Finotti. Printed prices. Nov. 11 to 14
1864. McCoy, May 17 to 21. Covers defective
1873. Chubbuck, Parmelee. June, February 2 pieces
1874. Hazeltine, Jan. Woodward, Feb. Cogan, Nov.
3 pieces
1875. Cogan, March, May, Oct. 1 poor cover 3 pieces
1876. Cogan, June, Oct. Strowbridge, June, Oct. 4 pcs.
1877. Cogan, 4. Scott, 2. Haines. Hazeltine. No du-
plicates. One has plates. 1 cover bad 8 pieces
1878. Cogan, 4. Woodward, 2. Scott, 3. Antinelli.
Ilarzfeld. Cook, Boston. Holland and Root in lot. No
duplicates 12 pieces
1879. Woodward, 2. Hazeltine, 2. Frossard, 2. Chap-
man. Cogan. Scott. Ilarzfeld. No duplicates 10 pieces
1880. Woodward, 4. One is the Haines Oct. sale. Fros-
sard. Chapman. No duplicates. 6 pieces
1863 to ’81. Unpriced catalogues. One, 63, part of Li-
brary of George Washington. Mostly from ’78 to ’81.
No duplicates 80 pieces
1866-7. First 12 numbers of American Journal of Numis-
matics. Paper. Fine
Miscellaneous. Bills and fractional currency of the South-
ern States during the war. Poor to fine 100 pieces
3 8060 00047 5319